Miniature Base Size Guide
In this Guide you will learn how to find the best size and base type for your models. You will also get some free tools to make your hobby easier.
In this article you will get:
- Advice on how to determine and match the shape and size of the base to your model.
- Free Basic Cheat Sheets that allow you to check the size of the bases and how the model will fit on them at the same time without having to buy the bases.
Once you know the dimensions and type of base, you will also be able to use the Ultimate Cheat Sheet which contains the exact dimensions of 35+ of the most popular types of bases on the market. This sheet also allows you to check entire squads of models simultaneously.
This is a live article and will be updated with user suggested content.

I keep asking the same question: what type of base do I need for this model? Is it normal?
By all means yes.
This is one of the most common problems faced by every hobbyist. The large number of base types and sizes on the market can confuse many.
Therefore, in this article, I will try to explain the matter in a quick and easy way. If you need more details, I invite you to read other articles on this blog.
Miniature wargaming is a rather chaotic game market. The rules change frequently, and entire model lines can switch to completely different base shapes. Manufacturers do not always describe the base size of their models in a clear and easily accessible way
There is also no single place that has collected and compiled all this information into a digestible data model, instead hobbyists are forced to navigate through rows of websites in search of information.
This is why this question is constantly being asked on Reddit and other forums:
In this guide you will learn everything you need to know to determine which base best suits the body of your model
There are dozens of different types of bases on the market, but we have good news for you, navigating this niche is easy if you know the basics and use common sense.
Let's start with the basics:
Place your model on a flat surface, preferably a white sheet of paper, and then look at it from above as shown in the photo on the right.
Please note the shape of your model from this perspective and judge whether it has a more regular shape like terminators, dreadnought or is it more elongated like a jetbike? Don't consider the weapons the models use, just focus on the 'body' itself.
Models that are similar in length and width in this perspective usually need round bases or their square counterparts (depending on the wargame).

Longer models, such as cavarly, bikes, 2-wheelers, on the other hand, usually need oval bases or their rectangular equivalents.
If one side of a model is half as long as its counterpart, you should in principle consider using ovals/rectangles. The greater the difference, the higher the probability increases.
I have used the plastic Ironstrider from GW here to show how easy it is to define the shape of the required base. In this case it is, of course, an oval. Although the model moves on two legs, its shape is elongated, hence this conclusion.

And that's it, it's really simple. The method used here is a common sense method, it does not work every time, but it will get you the right solution in 95% of cases.
A few examples, by the way:
Standing (motionless) infantry, heroes, bipedal creatures and walking machines such as dreadnoughts will have round/square bases
Infantry in a lying position, cavalry, motorbikes, and elongated machines will always need bases with one side longer, i.e. ovals or rectangles
How do I quickly find a base size to fit the model?
You do this with the help of the Bases Sizes Guides
We will not go into detail in this article, because its purpose is to present the facts quickly and to give solutions in a pleasant manner. Let me just tell you that the popular 60mm round base is not 60mm, nor is it 65mm as some people call it. Its exact dimensions in diameter are 62.1mm at the top and 63.6mm at the bottom.
The same applies to the other bases; their name only gives their dimensions in ESTIMATION. So in some cases this causes a lot of confusion.
However, I will tell you all the interesting facts about the dimensions of the bases in another article.
Don't worry about it though. As a modeller, you are mainly interested in the top surface because that is where your model stands.
Here are specially prepared templates, I called them cheat sheets mainly because of the lack of an idea for a better name. The most important thing is that they work!

How can wargaming bases size guides be used?
Download your template in .PDF format and print it out on your home printer in A4 sheet.
TIP: Do not use the fit to page option. Print it in the original scale to get the correct dimensions of the bases.
TIP2: You don't even need to download this to your HDD, if you click on the hyperlink a new window will open where you can print it.
The printed template will show the real dimensions of the most popular bases. Simply place your model on the printed template and judge which size fits best.
This template is also ideal if you have a 3D printed model and are not sure of its scale or if you have several models and are not sure if all poses will fit into a given base size.
Position your model in the template centre
Each circle is assigned a number and each number indicates a different base size.
A detailed description/legend can be found in each file.
Pictured is the Onager Dunecrawler from GW. As far as we can see in the photo, its legs touch the space between circles 10 and 11.
A base number 10 will therefore be too small, while a base number 11 will clearly be suitable for this model.
From the legend you can see that 11 is the designation assigned to the 130mm round base.

This can be used as a Warhammer Bases Size Guide as most bases fit this game. The templates also fit many other wargames.
Download Section:
View and download your template in PDF here:
1. Round Bases Guide HERE
2. Oval Bases Guide HERE
3. Square Bases Guide HERE
4. Rectangular Bases Guide HERE
5. Ultimate Bases Cheat File HERE

Warhammer Bases Size Guide - all types of bases in one file.
Here is a file containing most of the useful information and dimensions on a scale of 1:1
I have compiled all the most popular base types into one file so that you can access this data as easily as possible.
- The file is in PDF format, has a table of contents and each page is devoted to a different base type.
- The bases are divided into types and arranged in order from the smallest to the largest.
- Once you have selected your base, simply print out the selected page(s) on an A4 sheet of paper on your home printer.
- The template also allows several models to be placed next to each other in order to check the whole squad of models at the same time.

What about models of unusual dimensions, with square and rectangular bases that do not have their wargaming size standard?
It is mainly about 3dprinted models, unusual scale models, custom sculpts, conversions or even diorama ideas.
Sometimes you need a non-standard size base and to determine its size it is also good to use a template.
Such a simple template can also be found here
The template has a maximum size of a square with walls of 150x150mm, but nothing prevents you from printing several and creating a larger one.
Simply click on the image and print the template.
Place the model on the template and judge which size is right for you.
Making custom sized bases usually involves laser cutting them in HDF. This service is usually not expensive and the bases are ideal for large models such as Titans or custom Gargants.

Ok. But I don't have a printer at home. Are these templates of no use to me?
These things happen, but as modellers we know how to deal with such problems.
All you need is a pencil or pen, a piece of paper and basic drawing instruments such as a ruler or compass to draw circles.
Using the templates in this article, you will be able to reproduce all the dimensions of the bases using the data I have given there.
In the case of circles, squares and rectangles it is trivial. In the case of ovals, search for: how to draw ovals using compass in google search engine.
It should not take you long to recreate most of these bases even without a printer.
In summary, in the above article you have received:
- Advice on how to quickly find the correct shape of the base and fit it to the model
- A free template that allows you to quickly find the required base size
- Free template with dimensions and drawings of 35+ bases in 1:1 scale
- Free template for custom shaped square and rectange bases and diorama ideas
- Advice on how to use all this even when you are in the middle of the woods and using basic tools