AK Interactive Ultra Gloss Varnish Set

AK Interactive Ultra Gloss Varnish Set - Hobby Heaven

AK Interactive

SKU: AK9040

Two-component ultra-gloss lacquer. Mix the lacquer and hardener in a 3/1 ratio. Contains a 60ml bottle of thinner, 60ml lacquer and the hardener, and two syringes. Get the maximum brightness in your models. Instructions in the box.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Robert E Chivers
AK Ultra Gloss

I've used this 2K from AK before, hence a return purchase,
Everything you need is in the bax except the airbrush (you'll need a 0.5 needle)
Once thinned it lays down exceptionally well and cures in a warm place in a couple of days so you can sand and polish, however I've found it's so glossy, if you lay it down with patience you don't even need to polish it
Great produxt

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